Friday, May 6, 2011

Start of Jude's tiny hoodie
I met the cutest baby yesterday and was inspired to knit up something for him. This will be a little cardigan / jacket with a hood. The yarn is Cascade Luna Handpaint 100 percent cotton. I'm using size 6 for a firmer fabric than the suggested size 8 needles.

My goal is to finish it tonight so he can wear it next week.

Cast on 80 stitches. Place markers after 20 and 60 (20 sts each for fronts, 40 for back)

Work one inch  (or more if you prefer) in seed stitch. Switch to stockinette stich and work even until piece measures 6 inches from cast on edge.  (You can make this longer or shorter as you wish)

Fronts and back: Working on just the first 20 stitches, work even in stockinette stitch until 3 1/2 from division. Shape the shoulder over the next three rows and places these stitches (which will become the shoulder seam) on a holder.

Work the other 20 stitches of the other front and shoulder to match, mirroring the shoulder decreases.

That's as far as I've progressed since last night.

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